Juan Giacaman aka Lazaro

Juan Giacaman aka Lazaro is a sound designer, music producer and live act DJ based in Berlin. He works in sound design for art exhibitions, theater pieces, experimental live shows and live performances at parties. His focus is on the attempt to develop questions via scenic means and to address them to an audience as well […]

Johann Bärenklau

Johann Bärenklau is an artist and musician who studied media art with Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer and Dr. Mareike Bernien at the HGB Leipzig. His artistic practice spans book art, installation, sound, drawing and graphics with exhibitions and projects in Aarau, Berlin, Genoa, Paris and Rīga, among others.

The Wolfpack Experience

Where old meets new and beauty meets the abyss, we are at home. The Wolfwalk Experience promises nothing less than the title says: you’re in for an experience. With the naturalness of a Steven Wilson and the groove of Depeche Mode, fine soundscapes nestle around your ears while drums mercilessly crush everything in their path. […]

Gaia Heichal

Gaia Heichal is an NL-based sound artist and an experienced sound engineer. They’re main focus is mainly around electronic instrument and interface design alongside site specific sound installations using multichannel sound systems.They perform under the alias ‘birthed’—maximalist ambience laced with black metal influences and shrouded texts. Unveiling fragility within the confines of the harsher edges […]

Avita Maheen

Avita Maheen is a Bangladeshi media artist, researcher, writer and curator, currently based in The Netherlands. She graduated from Media Technology (M.Sc), Leiden University, with a minor in the ArtScience Interfaculty at The Royal Academy of Art, NL. Her master’s dissertation comprises a practice-based research, on spatial perception and visual restriction in sensory installations, supervised […]

Hugo Lioret

Hugo Lioret is a sound artist, PhD researcher and music mediator based in Paris, FR. His work, rooted on organicity, encompasses electroacoustic composition, free improvisation, audiovisual performances, music for fixed medias, sound in situ and sound design through digital processes, field recording and modular approaches.Hugo studied sound practicies with Mathias Delplanque, with Hervé Bouley at […]

Aude Langlois

Aude Langlois ist eine Klangkünstlerin, Musikerin und Sounddesignerin aus Berlin. Sie hat einen Master-Abschluss in Sound Studies an der Universität der Künste Berlin und einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Musik und Musikwissenschaft an der Universität Paris-Sorbonne. Ihre Arbeiten sind in Filmen, Dokumentarfilmen, Theater- und Musikproduktionen zu finden. Als Performerin spielt sie Gitarre, Akkordeon, analoge Drum-Machine und handgefertigte […]

Hilde Wollenstein

Hilde Wollenstein (free version), born 1997 in Culemborg, Netherlands, lives in The Hague and Berlin. 2015-18 she studied classical clarinet at the Conservatory in Utrecht. Since 2018 she studies Sonology at the Royal Conservatory. Hilde composes and performs music for (DIY) multi-channel loudspeaker set-ups with sampled and field recorded material. Her work is inspired by […]

Francesco Corvi

Francesco Corvi is an Italian performer, musician, lecturer, and multimedia artist. His artistic practice raises philosophical questions related to phenomenology, posthumanism, and cybernetics, exploring unconventional performance strategies through the development of live coding frameworks, adaptive systems, spatial audio engines, and multimedia environments. In his live performances, he employs open-source programming languages to create music and […]

Henrik Rohde

Henrik Rohde is a musician and sound artist based in Leipzig and Berlin. His work includes electroacoustic compositions, band performances and performative live sets. He creates multi-layered sound worlds from field recordings, digital synthesizers and other electronic instruments. For his debut album “nowadays” he intensively explored the possibilities of mobile production. The result is 7 […]